Noto fonts
Noto fonts

noto fonts

Additionally, this change will not affect the mono variant of DejaVu which remains included.


While this effort will mean some font packages for non-latin scripts are removed from the default image they will remain available in the archive, so anyone who wants to install ’em, can. the GNOME desktop on Debian, since fonts-noto-core is pulled in that case and fontconfig upstream prefers Noto nowadays.” Fedora and some of our own flavors already use Noto fonts by default. Ubuntu’s Gunnar Hjalmarsson tabled this change (which after a few weeks of discussion is now being rolled out to Mantic daily builds through an ubuntu-meta package update) and notes: Emoji (a Japanese word meaning picture character) are pictograms used in digital spaces like messages and webpages. Given that Korean is almost always written using only hangul, the Noto Sans CJK SC fonts will provide the glyphs for hangul, but will also display Simplified Chinese correctly. Noto Color Emoji is an open source font that has you covered for all your emoji needs, including support for the latest Unicode emoji specification (15.0). Got that? Ubuntu remains the main default font. I recommend that you simply use the Noto Sans CJK SC fonts, which include the complete glyph set (65,535 glyphs) and the default glyphs are for Simplified Chinese. That continues to be “Ubuntu” (side-note: a ‘classic’ version of the Ubuntu font can now be installed in 23.10 for those less keen on the updated edition introduced earlier this year).

noto fonts

Let me stress one thing (lest the gatekeepers of the oFficIal uBuNTu cOmMuNiTy get their gills giddy in hope I’d not mention it): this motion does not affect the choice of default font for the desktop UI. The quality of Noto is said to be as good as and in some cases better than DejaVu, so that’s a plus. This info should probably be added to the answer. This prevents issues like different character sizes. These fonts, or at least the Sans Serif fonts, are used by KF5 (initially only for gtk applications).


Otherwise, update either to match the values of the other font. avoiding boxes with dots hex digits when a glyph cannot be found) is a set of fonts which aim to cover every glyph in unicode, no matter how obscure. in both fonts first to see whether the values like em size match. With this change Noto fonts will take over duties for cases where DejaVu would be used (such as display text on web pages). Addendum from comments: Before merging, click Element > Font info.

In current versions of Ubuntu the DejaVu fonts package is pre-installed and pre-configured to handle non-latin scripts. The prefix attribute of the tag, can be used to automatically prefix the passed directory with a certain prefix.

This package includes sans-serif and serif fonts that cover a swathe of latin and non-latin scripts. In an effort to improve the quality and (marginally) reduce the number of fonts a standard Ubuntu install comes with, the plan is to ship the Noto fonts package by default.

noto fonts

Ubuntu devs plan on making a notable typographic change in the upcoming release of Ubuntu 23.10 ‘Mantic Minotaur’.

Noto fonts